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There are four search methods (see tabs):

1. Search
For searching in the   catalogue. No option to go to other databases.
Your search command leads straight to a list of titles.
If you select a list and then go to <Advanced search>, your query and the result are saved, and can then be extended or restricted.
All indexes are available. Use the search method <Index search> for a different type of search.
Further search tools are phrase searching, wildcards and boolean operators.
At the bottom of the screen, the number of titles you wish to see on each page can be indicated. If you choose a low number, you will have to move to a next page often. If you choose a high number it will take longer to load each page and you will have to do more scrolling.
If a search results in one single title, no title list is displayed. The full title is shown immediately.
2. Advanced search
Choice of various databases. Simultaneous search in more than one database is not possible.
Contrary to <Search> this method permits simultaneous search in various indexes .
All indexes are available. Use the search method <Index search> for a different type of search.
There are various ways to restrict search results, for example by language, type of publication, library department or year of publication.
 Further search tools are phrase searching, wildcards and boolean operators.
Once you have found a list of titles, you may restrict this selection by entering additional terms, or by using the options to restrict by language, year of publication etc.
At the bottom of the screen, the number of titles you wish to see on each page can be indicated. If you choose a low number, you will have to move to a next page often. If you choose a high number it will take longer to load each page and you will have to do more scrolling.
If a search results in one single title, no title list is displayed. The full title is shown immediately.
3. Index search
If you select Index search, you can view an index before starting your search. Listed in the index are terms related directly to one or to several titles. These terms can therefore be used for searching.
After entering a term a list of index terms is displayed. Your search is carried out after you select one or more search terms from the index. Searching within an index using boolean operators is not possible. You can only use one term to open the index.
You may use wildcards. If you do not,  right truncation takes place automatically.
A choice from various databases is offered, but only one can be selected.
A choice from various indexes is offered, but only one can be selected.
When using the author index, a list of surnames is displayed first, followed by lists of surnames with initials or first names.
There are various ways to restrict search results, for example by language, type of publication, library department or year of publication.
At the bottom of the screen, the number of titles you wish to see on each page can be indicated. If you choose a low number, you will have to move to a next page often. If you choose a high number it will take longer to load each page and you will have to do more scrolling.
If a search results in one single title, no title list is displayed. The full title is shown immediately.