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Phrase searching

An exact search for a phrase can be carried out by putting the phrase between quotation marks.

For example:

"Routledge encyclopedia of philosophy"  or  "expert systems"

If you omit the quotation marks, references are searched which include all words you enter (excluding stopwords), but not necessarily in sequence. The search is then carried out in the default option in which terms are combined by the Boolean and operator.



Suppress operators (temporarily)

Phrase searching can also be used to temporarliy suppress operators And, Or, Not) in order to be able to search for those words.

Just right
and "just right" will both result in findingthese words. (only the first search will not respect the order of the words).

Just not right
and "Just not right" will certainly give different results.

The first search will result in all titles that contain ´just´but not ´right´.
The second search will result in titles containing all three words (in that order).